hyde park moms | Hyde Park Moms

Holiday Organization with Simplify in Style

  Staying organized during the holiday season seems like an oxymoron to most people, but these tips from the Simplify In Style home organizers will help you get on top of the Holiday and into the spirit without feeling overwhelmed! Every year, it seems like the...

List: Winter Activities

I’m thinking the same thing you are. How will we survive the winter without the Children’s Museum?! Well, I’m here to say it’s going to be OK. Here is a list of Winter Activities to let the little ones run wild and help you keep your sanity!...

Gratitude Jar

November and the Holidays should remind us to be grateful for all of the wonderful things we have in our lives. But it’s hard to do with all of the madness these next few months bring. Cookie parties, office parties, Holiday parties and any everything else...

Simple Brussel Sprout Salad

I live for this salad during the week. It’s super healthy and packed with fiber and fat to keep you fueled. Take a short cut and use Trader Joe’s shaved brussel sprouts – game changer and time saver! Ingredients 1/2 – 1 bag of shaved brussel...

Meet Jenny

I feel so lucky to have Jenny Krehbiel as our next “Meet a Mom!” Jenny grew up in Maderia and now lives right here in Mt. Lookout with her husband, John and her precious twins, Margot and Davis. Jenny and John are college sweethearts (I went to Miami and...

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