cincinnati moms | Hyde Park Moms

Natural Way to Disinfect Toys

Hand Foot Mouth – The new Chicken Pox. Nothing is more of a nightmare than this miserable sickness. It seems that it’s everywhere in our neighborhood this year and luckily we have only have 1 very mild case of it in our home. BUT with the possibility of it...

Two Ways to Get in Touch with Santa

Santa’s Hotline It’s about time technology caught up with Santa, and thank goodness it did! Chances are you have been telling your sweet little ones that “Santa is watching…” and if you’re kids are anything like my small 2 year old,...

List: Christmas and Holiday Cards

Sharing the perfect Holiday card with loved ones is something us mamas look forward to every year (ok, minus the chaotic family photo shoot that goes on behind the one we see on the cards). We’ve got you covered with the List for all things Holiday cards to make...

Tried & True: Lou & Grey

I can’t rave enough about Lou & Grey and their oh-so-perfect sweaters. I’ve been obsessed with them over the last year and they never disappoint. Below are my picks for #triedandtrue sweaters that I know will be exactly what us Mamas want: cozy,...

Spiced Pear Smoothie

Looking for healthy recipe to whip up the day after Thanksgiving? Give this Pear spice smoothie a try! This one is our staple smoothie during the colder months. The ginger gives it a Holiday flavor and it also helps keep colds away. You get your greens, fiber, protein...

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