cincinnati moms | Hyde Park Moms

Meet Kaity

What’s your favorite thing about living in Hyde Park? I have to pick just one thing? For sure the walkability of HP, Oakley, and Mt. Lookout. It’s hard to imagine living elsewhere because it’s so easy to get around, and it’s such an intimate community. Child(ren) and...

Lanolips Lip Treatment

This stuff is gold. It’s the only lip treatment and gloss that has worked on my lips (and mine aren’t messin’ around) this frigid winter. Not to mention, it smells and tastes devine. Pro tip – keep away from toddlers! They’ll think...

Holiday Cheer DIY Gifts

There’s nothing better than receiving a thoughtful gift from a friend or neighbor on your porch during the Holidays. Here are some easy DIY gifts and recipes that would make great hostess or “Holiday Cheer” gifts. What do you gift friends and...

Holiday Hair with Mitchell's Salon Hyde Park

Now more that ever, I am embracing the Holidays. I think it’s mainly because my oldest is finally understanding Christmas and is enjoying the festive lights, candy canes, presents and even Santa (well…hit or miss). It has given this time of year a...

Gift Guide: Nice List

This one is for the nice list. Boys, girls, Mom and Dad will all enjoy something on this guide. Make sure to use the #HPMomsGiftGuide on social media when you pick up your gift from any of these local shops!  JOSEPH BETH // SPOTTED GOOSE //KING ARTHUR’S COURT //...

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