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Postpartum Training with Michelle of Queen City Kettlebell

I had the pleasure of meeting with Michelle Mason of Queen City Kettlebell this past week and I can’t tell you how valuable our time was. Michelle is the general manager there and focuses on prenatal and postnatal coaching and is certified in those areas. Did you know...

Valentine's Pajamas

One of my favorite ways to celebrate little Holidays, like Valentine’s day, is with brand new PJs for the kids (and sometimes for Mom too)! My two year old gets really excited about new PJs and it’s such a simple way to make those days more special. Here...

Cheesey Broccoli Pasta

CHEESY BROCCOLI PASTA Ingredients 1 bunch or 3 heads of broccoli, chopped 1 small shallot, diced 1/4 cup olive oil 1 smashed garlic clove 1/2 cup parmesan cheese*key ingredient 1/2 cup shredded mozzarella cheese Any other cheeses your family likes! 1lb whole grain...

The Best Water Bottle

I’ve searched high and low for a water bottle that works for me and makes me excited to drink water. I’m TERRIBLE at drinking water, but this Hydro Flask water bottle has been my game changer. I’ve had the exact one below in white for a week now and...

Lanolips Lip Treatment

This stuff is gold. It’s the only lip treatment and gloss that has worked on my lips (and mine aren’t messin’ around) this frigid winter. Not to mention, it smells and tastes devine. Pro tip – keep away from toddlers! They’ll think...

Holiday Cheer DIY Gifts

There’s nothing better than receiving a thoughtful gift from a friend or neighbor on your porch during the Holidays. Here are some easy DIY gifts and recipes that would make great hostess or “Holiday Cheer” gifts. What do you gift friends and...

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