Mom life | Hyde Park Moms

Essential Oils and Motherhood

  I’ve always put an emphasis on health in my life (Fun Fact: I used to have a blog with one of my best friends called Two Clean Girls – ha!) and it’s no different now that I have two little ones running the show. Like you, my kids are always coming home...

Self Care: Skin Care with Impress

It’s no secret, Moms. We tend to put ourselves last in order to make sure our tribe is taken care of and happy. Especially in the new mom season, we start to lose (who else went through an “oops. It’s 2pm and I haven’t brushed my teeth” phase? ME! Recenlty I’ve been...

Boredom Buster Jar: Summer Edition

Have you heard of a boredom buster jar? Perfect for these last few days of summer! Get your Jar ready! Let the little ones help you decorate and come up with ideas. MATERIALS Popsicle sticks or peices of paper markers or pens 1 mason jar IDEAS TO GET YOU STARTED Plan...

Top Planners for Moms

Anyone else love a good planner?! I find writing tasks down and checking them off is one of the more statisfying things in life – agree? Below are a list of planners I’ve loved and used as well as some recommended by other Moms out there. Get yours today to be...

Handy Child Development Checklist

No matter if your a mom to a newborn or a 4th grader, we are always entering a new stage with our children that can leave us feeling confused and worried. What milestones should my child be hitting? Is her development on the right track? Well, good news! Help is on...

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