Development for 0-3 years old
Read more about the milestones you should be watching for in your little ones! Thank you to ABC Pediatric therapy for this wonderful blog post!
Development during your child’s first years is critical in future success. And while every child learns movements at an individual rate, developmental delays may cause concern and hardship. Use the experts at ABC Pediatric Therapy as a resource! Know what milestones your child should be reaching at every age. Milestones listed at each stage carry on through each subsequent phase of development, building off the other so it is important not to “skip” milestones.
Signs of Torticollis
-flat head
-favors one side over the other
-prefers to look towards one side
-may keep his head tilted towards one side -has difficulty turning his head towards one side
Short summary of milestones by age
For a full list of milestones by age, visit
Act early on developmental concerns to make a real difference for the child and family! If you have a concern or question about your child’s development, don’t wait – ask the professional. Earlier is better!
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