Meet Kristin | Hyde Park Moms

What’s your favorite thing about living in Hyde Park?  
I fell in love with Hyde Park when I first moved to Cincinnati because it felt so similar to the Kansas City neighborhood that I grew up in. While I’ve gone from being single to having a growing family you still can’t beat the walkability, local businesses, and lots of things going on at the square.
Child(ren) and Age(s)?
Our daughter Madeline will be turning one in March!
Favorite things to do with your kids around town (can be outside of HP)?  
Weekend walks to Coffee Emporium, takeout from Taglio, date nights at E+O, stroller loops through Ault park, the Hyde Park Blast, Art Fair and Farmer’s Market!
Do you have a favorite local store, fitness class or restaurant and why?
Coffee Emporium or Carl’s Deli for weekly coffee/sandwich runs. Khakis or Castle House for something fun for me or my daughter.
Are you involved in a business venture, a local organization, a creative endeavor, or in the corporate world? Please share!  
I have been at Procter and Gamble for almost 8 years working in Consumer and Market Knowledge (a lot of Pampers and Dreft in our household). I am extremely grateful to the company for the flexibility to work on a reduced schedule (4 days a week). Most days it feels like lots of juggling! 😊  
How has this community been instrumental in getting you to where you are now?
To a non-Cincinnati native it can be a little intimidating to come into an environment where it seems like everyone knows each other. Over time, I have found that people are largely welcoming and after initial introductions that that close knit Cincinnati atmosphere makes it easy to make connections and find things in common. After having our daughter I was blown away by the kindness of people reaching out with meals, favors, stopping by, or just reaching out to offer support for this next phase of life. It really made me feel less alone in a tough time where motherhood felt very new and overwhelming. Trying to pay it forward to as many new moms or newbies to Cincy as I can!
Tips for Balancing it all? Motherhood, career, family and social life?

  1. Don’t try to balance it all all the time – no one does it all perfectly!
  2. Find that group/person that you can count on for a quick text/call/meetup that lifts you up during the tough days and cheers with you on the little wins
  3. Get up and going early. It is so so tough to start the routine (and I am not perfect at this), but when I am up working out and getting ready for the day before anyone else in my house is up, I find myself more motivated to cross more things off my list and have more energy to tackle things throughout the day. Taking care of myself first thing lets me take care of others a little better.
  4. Accepting (or asking for) help – We have been very lucky to have helpful family in town but the Juggle app has also been a lifesaver for us!

What is the best advice you have received as a mom?
A work mentor told me (regarding being a working mom) “some days you will nail it and some days you will just punch your timecard – but even on the days you are just punching your timecard you are likely more efficient than you think trying to work through it” 😊
What is the best advice you would like to give to a new mom?
Focus on what you can control and what is truly the most important – the rest of it can wait   🙂
I have found that becoming a mom has really helped simplify my priorities. It’s helped to silence some of the outside noise and stress of what I can’t control.

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