Hillary grew up in Mt. Lookout and lives right here in Hyde Park now with her husband, Jordan and her two precious girls, Bea and Poppy. Hillary is an amazing mother, sister, wife and friend, but what sets her apart is her drive to make a difference in our community through her local initiatives like #BEAstrong she started when her daughter Bea went through a life-changing liver transplant. Read more and get inspired by one of my best friends, Hillary!
What’s your favorite thing about living in Hyde Park?
I grew up in the area so my favorite part of living here as an adult is reliving some of my favorite childhood memories with my own girls! We love walking to Hyde Park Square, killing time at Ault Park’s playground and grabbing produce from the Hyde Park Farmers Market.
Favorite things to do with your kids around town?
We’ve recently loved going to the Cincinnati Nature Center. It’s a great place to explore with little ones and the playscapes are just the best!
Do you have a favorite local store, fitness class or restaurant and why?
Although it’s been awhile, our favorite place to sweat it out is DEFINE in Oakley. The studio is owned by 2 rockstar moms and their classes are different, and most importantly, FUN! For kid’s clothing we absolutely LOVE Castle House and The Spotted Goose. I used to work at Khakis and our very great family friends own it so it’s always a favorite spot along with our favorite restaurant, Sleepy Bee.
Are you involved in a business venture, a local organization, a creative endeavor, or in the corporate world? Please share!
I am a digital and social media consultant with 2060 Digital and I have a blog called Make Statements, I am currently serving on the board at Life Center (nonprofit promoting organ donation awareness) and am a volunteer with Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center. My family also started Look Good, Feel Good which is an organization that supplies hospital gowns for children with an extended stay at Cincinnati Children’s.
Tips for Balancing it all? Motherhood, career, family and social life?
It’s hard to give advice on balancing it all when I can barely do it myself! Just taking one day at a time over here!
How has this community been instrumental in getting you to where you are now?
My family has gone through some major challenges over the last couple of years and I can honestly say that we wouldn’t have been able to get through it without the incredible community. Thanks to The Spotted Goose in Oakley, we started the #BEAstrong initiative where we’ve helped raise of $250,000 for Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center
What is the best advice you have received as a mom?
One of my mom friends said to me once that she couldn’t survive without cartoons and hot dogs. She was obviously exaggerating but I just love that mentality – sometimes you are just exhausted and need to press the easy button. When I get to that point, instead of feeling guilty, I turn on Mickey Mouse and fire up some hot dogs!
What is the best advice you would like to give to a new mom?
Allow yourself to press the easy button whenever you need to!